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Information on former and current research projects that LUXNER Engineering ZT GmbH was/is participating in.

Please see also the publications section.

FFG-TakeOff: Virtual Acoustic Design for Hierarchical Aerospace Materials

The aim of the project is the development of new and improved material and component concepts with regard to the acoustic requirements of aviation. This should be done via a comprehensive and novel simulation approach extending over all length scales. I.e. the goal is capturing the acoustic response via digitization or virtualization. With the help of the simulation models, comprehensive know-how is to be built up among all partners of the consortium and new acoustic concepts will be developed in a targeted manner. At the end of the project, there should be a deeper understanding of the relationships between the different length scales in terms of acoustics. Furthermore, specific material and design concepts are to be developed and a simulation strategy for future developments designed. The functionality of the methodology and the new concepts should be demonstrated using demonstrator components.

This project (activity) has received funding from the Austrian research funding programme “Take Off”. Take Off is a Research, Technology and Innovation Funding Programme of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has been authorised for the Programme Management.

EFRE K-Regio Virtual Hose Optimization

Mit Hilfe von modell- und simulationsbasierten Methoden soll der Produktionsprozess und die technologische Leistungsfähigkeit von beschichteten Gewebeschläuchen signifikant verbessert werden.

Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert.

Nähere Informationen zu EFRE finden Sie auf http://www.efre.gv.at



Im Rahmen des K-Regio Projekts werden modellbasierte Methoden für die Spezifikation neuartiger Keramiken entwickelt. Das Ziel ist ein Mehrskalenmodell, das Porenraum und Porenraumeigenschaften berücksichtigt und die sich daraus  ergebenden physikalischen Eigenschaften quantifiziert.

Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert.

Nähere Informationen zu EFRE finden Sie auf http://www.efre.gv.at


Development of a Composite Fan Containment Case for Jet Engines

The projects aim is gathering Know-how for the development of complex, impact- loaded aircraft engine components. Therefore knowledge has to be generated in several scientific fields such as component requirements, material characterization and material modeling, numerical simulation methods as well as suitable material systems. The determined research work ranges from fundamental research via application-orientated research to practical usage by manufacturing and testing of a demonstrator for verification of theoretical results.
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